A Couple Of Good Questions To Ask When Choosing If A Battery Is Right For Your Home:
- Are you wishing to save on electricity costs?
- Do you intend on reducing your carbon footprint?
- Would you like the peace of mind in outages, blackouts, and natural disasters?
A ‘yes’ to any of these questions then a solar backup battery is worth the investment!
Solar panels on the roof are constantly producing power during regular sunny daytime hours. In fact, much of this energy is not demanded by the home at one time, so typically panels generate more power than can be used within a day. Instead of letting surplus electricity go to waste, the solar energy system feeds this unused power back to the grid.
But did you know when the electric grid goes down, solar panels don’t actually continue receiving electricity? Once the grid is down, power line staff are needed to get out and get to fixing the problem.
Fortunately, all of this has a perfect solution. Continuous current is provided and during an electrical grid outage with a battery backup unit like a Tesla Powerwall. So, with an autonomous solar energy battery backup system, you can still experience power, even if everything around you goes black.
The Advantages Of Adding A Battery To A Solar Energy System:
- A solar power battery bank is also completely silent while a gas generator is rather noisy.
- Energy independence is gained with an energy storage system.
- When the grid fails, you immediately start battery power without any delay.
- While solar backup batteries consume some storage space, it is normally much less than a generator would.
- You can relax as the news starts to warn of possible storm events. You know that you will not be left in the dark with a battery backup!
- Avoid surging energy prices. Energy providers frequently increase their prices at specific points during the year, so energy costs are constantly increasing steadily. These prices and peak charges can be avoided with a battery. Even if the solar panels do not yield electricity, your home will still operate on stored energy from the energy storage system.
Additionally a full home energy management monitoring system is included in each battery unit. With it, you can see how your home creates and consumes electricity at any given moment. Using the battery-specific app, you can track your home energy devices and savings in real time.